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Downside Primary School


Computing at Downside


At Downside, we have an ambitious, broad and balanced Computing curriculum to ensure we equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge to thrive in our increasingly digital world. We are committed to establishing an inclusive setting where each child can actively participate in the subject, regardless of their background or ability. This environment aims to build vital confidence in computing and a passion for learning as pupils advance through our curriculum. We focus on nurturing their computational thinking, fostering creativity, and enhancing digital literacy, empowering them not only as conscientious technology users but also as innovative creators of the future. 

Curriculum Overview

Digital leaders

Click on the link below to find out more about our fantastic digital leaders.

Digital Leaders 

Year 6- STEM day

This week, the girls had to don their 'technology hats' in order to write codes for satellites using Micro:bits whilst the boys were busy investigating and exploring different structures using K'nex, spaghetti and marshmallows!



Coding club

Last year, both KS1 and KS2 children have enjoyed a weekly lunch time club run by ‘Jam Coding’.

They have built their own games, used floor robots and much more. The club helped the children to use the skills learnt in computing lessons. 

We will be starting a new club next half term (November 2024) but this time it will be held after school. Look out for more information here soon!