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Downside Primary School


Welcome to the Reception Page 

Welcome to the Year R page 

I am Miss Dinham and I am proud to be the leader of Reception this year and the teacher of Ruby class.

In Reception, I have an experienced team of teachers who will help to support your child/ren during their first year at Downside Primary School.

 Mrs Hicks

 Mrs McIntyre

 Mrs O`Shead

  Miss Smith

 Crystal Class

 Emerald class

 Opal class

 Coral class


We are lucky to have a range of support staff who float between classes, so I am sure you will hear many names mentioned. 

Our aim is to give your child/ren the best possible start to their school life and to support parents and carers wherever possible.

 We hope you find this page informative and useful. 

As a reminder, if you need to speak to any of the teachers then please email the following address

Thank you for visiting the Year R page.

Miss Dinham and the Year R team.






Reception- Computer science

The reception children have been learning how to use Bee bots. The children had to explain what a given command can do, combine two direction commands to make a sequence and know the directions of forward,backwards, left and right.


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