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Downside Primary School

Breakfast and After School Clubs


Breakfast club:

 Breakfast club opens at 8am, no children will be admitted prior to this time.

All children need to be pre-booked in to Breakfast club. Pre-bookings must be made with payment via Scopay. We need to have bookings by 6am on the day, to ensure registers can be compiled.

Breakfast club staff will not be able to admit any children who do not have a booked place. Children will be sent home, upon arrival, with their parents.

 The charge for Breakfast club is £1.50, including breakfast.

 After school club:

 All children need to be pre-booked in to After school club. Pre-bookings must be made with payment via Scopay.

If, during the day, you need to put your child in to after school club – please book and pay for this online (to ensure there is space) and then CALL the school so we can inform your child to go to the club and ensure that we can reprint the register.

 Late collection of children

 As parents are aware, teachers will look after children for 10 minutes at the end of the day and then any children who have not been collected will be put in After school club, if there is space.

We are aware that some parents collect their children at approximately 3.45pm and therefore that their child has only been in after school club for 5 mins. However, collecting a child at 3.45pm is 15 minutes late and there is a charge.

 The procedures are as follows:

  • 3.40pm - Teacher signs any uncollected children in to After School Club
  • Parent signs child out of After School Club
  • School club staff will give the parent a letter outlining the charges, which must be paid the following school day – on Scopay or to the School Office.

If parents do not pay the debt, they will be unable to use the service in future.


  • Collection between 3.40pm and 4pm - £1.00
  • Collection between 4pm and 4.30pm - £2.50
  • Collection between 4.30pm – 5.30pm - £5.00